Windows 10 Phone Preview Install GUIDE for Lumia 920, 930 and others

Discussion in 'TechCat Blog' started by Justin, Feb 15, 2015.

By Justin on Feb 15, 2015 at 4:49 PM
  1. Justin

    Justin Administrator
    Staff Member

    Dec 6, 2014
    #1 Justin, Feb 15, 2015
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2015
    Windows 10 Technical Preview for phones video guide

    Windows 10 for any Lumia phone step by step guide

    1. Download the Windows Insider app.
    Press ... > about > make sure Sys free space is 300MB or more.
    If there isn't enough space, make full reset with Windows Phone Recovery Tool.
    2. Go to
    Download and install certificate.
    3. Edit WiFi connection, enable Proxy
    4. Open Insider app, click get builds
    5. You will get Enroll page, do not Enroll yet!
    6. Switch to WIFI settings, turn off proxy.
    7. Switch to Windows Insider app and now you can enroll for Windows 10 Technical Preview.
    Choose Fast option.
    8. Check Settings > Phone update.
    If it can't find updates, you may need to reboot your phone and enroll again (without a proxy now).

    You should not try this guide on any other brand phone than Nokia Lumia.
    It won't work on HTC, Samsung and may even brake your phone!
    Lumia 5xx does not meet minimum specs for Windows 10 Update.

    Windows 10 Technical Preview for phones (9941.12498) on Nokia Lumia 920.


    How to revert back to Windows 8.1?

    Use official Microsoft Windows Phone Recovery Tool.
    It will reflash your phone with fresh Windows 8.1.

    You can backup all SMS, settings to Onedrive too.
    Settings > backup > check things to backup.

    Confirmed working models:
    Lumia 1520
    Lumia 1320
    Lumia 1020
    Lumia 930
    Lumia 925
    Lumia 920
    Lumia 920 at&t
    Lumia 820
    Lumia 638
    Lumia 620
    Lumia 520

    Did not work:
    Lumia 530
    Lumia 535
    Samsung ativ s
    HTC 8X

    Update 2015-02-22

    Update 2015-03-28
    Microsoft announced expanded supported device list!

    Update 2015-04-10
    Official Windows 10 update is out! No workarounds required for:
    • Lumia 1020
    • Lumia 1320
    • Lumia 1520
    • Lumia 520
    • Lumia 525
    • Lumia 526
    • Lumia 530
    • Lumia 530 Dual Sim
    • Lumia 535
    • Lumia 620
    • Lumia 625
    • Lumia 630
    • Lumia 630 Dual Sim
    • Lumia 635
    • Lumia 636
    • Lumia 638
    • Lumia 720
    • Lumia 730
    • Lumia 730 Dual SIM
    • Lumia 735
    • Lumia 810
    • Lumia 820
    • Lumia 822
    • Lumia 830
    • Lumia 920
    • Lumia 925
    • Lumia 928
    • Microsoft Lumia 430
    • Microsoft Lumia 435
    • Microsoft Lumia 435 Dual SIM
    • Microsoft Lumia 435 Dual SIM DTV
    • Microsoft Lumia 532
    • Microsoft Lumia 532 Dual SIM
    • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual SIM
    • Microsoft Lumia 535 Dual SIM
    Just download Insider app from Windows Store and enroll.


Discussion in 'TechCat Blog' started by Justin, Feb 15, 2015.

    1. Adi
    2. loga
    3. Azharul Islam
      Azharul Islam
      very helpful post brother.
    4. Enetti
      Let the fun begin....
    5. jugunu
    6. lol123456
      Muhd Syfwn likes this.
    7. Muhd Syfwn
    8. ic04969
      Nice!! Thanks!
    9. Rantos
    10. midomizo
    11. charan
      were nice app
    12. Vamos Laszlo
      Vamos Laszlo
      The last build is very stable. :)
    13. hamza
      plz help I will not sign in on windows store when I click on windows store sign in the screen appears choose an account bit there is no account and no option to add account
    14. Md.Nurunnabi
      After Successfully update my lumia 920 work good but today unfortunately hang & shutdown..try 2 several time restart but no response.. need urgently to solve my issue..
    15. seshureddy sasi
    16. Justice Agugua
      Justice Agugua
      I tried using this link but it can't open on my window phone. How do I get windows phone 10 for Nokia Lumia 920.
      Microsoft said that my phone is not amongst the selected phone but according to your information, Lumia 920 can be upgraded , please send me a link with which I can download windows phone 10.
      Email address [email protected]
      mohammedjerry likes this.
    17. mohammedjerry
    18. Maanalasfoor
      Hello. Is the update for Lumia 920 using this still working? I tried following the steps but the URL doesn't work I mean
    19. jole_123_
    20. Satyam.R.Singh
      The particular code for windows 10 is not getting download how should I download it
      --- Double Post Merged, Jan 12, 2018 ---
      The particular code for windows 10 is not getting download how should I download it in nokia Lumia 920
    : windows 10

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