Asus N550JV - OS X Yosemite Hackintosh / Intel Haswell laptop guide

Discussion in 'Tablets and Notebooks' started by Original, Mar 21, 2015.

By Original on Mar 21, 2015 at 3:43 PM
  1. Original

    Original Moderator

    Jan 17, 2015
    #1 Original, Mar 21, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 28, 2015
    I was playing with my Asus N550JV a bit and this what I've got - Asus Hackintosh with the latest OS X Yosemite!


    Super easy to install. Booted Hirens DVD, installed R-Drive, restored OS X hdd image with it on my Asus SSD, booted with /haswell flag and that's pretty much it.


    Went through setup wizard, installed asus kexts, everything works fine from internet to graphics and audio. Except wifi and BT.


    OS X 10.10.2 Yosemite (14C109) HDD image (MAS)
    Image is from a russian torrent, so setup is in russian, but you can switch back to english after setup wizard.
    Hidden Content:
    **Hidden Content: To see this hidden content your post count must be 1 or greater.**
    Hiren's Boot DVD 15.2 Restored Edition V 1.1
    Hidden Content:
    **Hidden Content: To see this hidden content your post count must be 1 or greater.**

    Another good option is premade install USB with Clover almost as easy as the first MAS method.

    OS X Yosemite 10.10.2 (14C109) USB install for Intel PC and notebooks + Clover, Legacy, UEFI, MBR, GPT
    Hidden Content:
    **Hidden Content: To see this hidden content your post count must be 1 or greater.**


Discussion in 'Tablets and Notebooks' started by Original, Mar 21, 2015.

    1. MiStAkE
      Thank you very much :)
    2. Note
      Looking for the hidden content
    3. anjistha
      thank you. let me try installing
    4. TamerLAN
    5. yuriy
      Neen a hidden content
    6. swexx
      how to get the hidden content?
    7. riky


      Super easy to install. Booted Hirens DVD, installed R-Drive, restored OS X hdd image with it on my Asus SSD, booted with /haswell flag and that's pretty much it.


      Went through setup wizard, installed asus kexts, everything works fine from internet to graphics and audio. Except wifi and BT.


      OS X 10.10.2 Yosemite (14C109) HDD image (MAS)
      Image is from a russian torrent, so setup is in russian, but you can switch back to english after setup wizard.
      ***Hidden content cannot be quoted.***

      Hiren's Boot DVD 15.2 Restored Edition V 1.1
      ***Hidden content cannot be quoted.***


      Another good option is premade install USB with Clover almost as easy as the first MAS method.

      OS X Yosemite 10.10.2 (14C109) USB install for Intel PC and notebooks + Clover, Legacy, UEFI, MBR, GPT
      ***Hidden content cannot be quoted.***[/QUOTE]
    8. Luong Quang VInh
    9. hoanganhbeo96
      I just can't get my keyboard and mouse to work :(
    10. Luong Quang VInh
      Luong Quang VInh
      My asus N551JQ cant boot to OS
    11. Aleksei
      Thank you very much
    12. e4871391
      great sharing..
    13. artboard
      Nice tutorial, thanks!
    14. emmefrego

      there are any updates?
    15. bllyzard
      Thanks for tutorial. I will try it
    16. DarioCrew
      Great tutorial, thanks
    17. galchinsky
    18. zetup
      thx for this
    19. pippone
    20. flashervn
      Thanks for sharing. Hope the torrents are still alive

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