Asus N550JV - OS X Yosemite Hackintosh / Intel Haswell laptop guide

Discussion in 'Tablets and Notebooks' started by Original, Mar 21, 2015.

By Original on Mar 21, 2015 at 3:43 PM
  1. Original

    Original Moderator

    Jan 17, 2015
    #1 Original, Mar 21, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 28, 2015
    I was playing with my Asus N550JV a bit and this what I've got - Asus Hackintosh with the latest OS X Yosemite!


    Super easy to install. Booted Hirens DVD, installed R-Drive, restored OS X hdd image with it on my Asus SSD, booted with /haswell flag and that's pretty much it.


    Went through setup wizard, installed asus kexts, everything works fine from internet to graphics and audio. Except wifi and BT.


    OS X 10.10.2 Yosemite (14C109) HDD image (MAS)
    Image is from a russian torrent, so setup is in russian, but you can switch back to english after setup wizard.
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    Hiren's Boot DVD 15.2 Restored Edition V 1.1
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    Another good option is premade install USB with Clover almost as easy as the first MAS method.

    OS X Yosemite 10.10.2 (14C109) USB install for Intel PC and notebooks + Clover, Legacy, UEFI, MBR, GPT
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Discussion in 'Tablets and Notebooks' started by Original, Mar 21, 2015.

    1. wellse818
      Going to try this now for my Asus N550
    2. kiomars sharifi
    3. tudor
      now with the latest update works to install and boot but I can't make the graphics work properly on Intel HD 4600 laptop
    4. Angelo Vella
      Angelo Vella
      --- Double Post Merged, Aug 10, 2015 ---
      Please help me to install yosemite on n550jk
    5. rmanuelb
      Guess I have to try this. Thanks
    6. Jeffron
    7. Original
      SSD with OSX connected with Seagate GoFlex USB3.0 adapter. Runs from external SSD without a hitch. :)

    8. Erik Duong
    9. Ca Cuong
      Ca Cuong
      Thanks. Will take time to try it
    10. mz0rz
      Thanks for the article i'm wondering if i would be able to get it running on my n550JX
    11. Ali

      I got tired of trying to install it .. i have the same laptop and it stops on this screen .. after entering /haswell

      I tried most of YouTube tutorials but all of them is not working well ..

      I'm trying to dual boot windows 10 and Yosemite .. Can you give me a link to follow from the begging to make it work ?

      Plz we need your help .. i need it for my job

      Thank you
    12. mz0rz
      My Asus N550JX keeps hanging on.

      root device uuid is "xxx-xxxx-....."
    13. Shadowtje_
    14. Skorm92
    15. Original
      Your screenshot is definetly with different build than mine.
    16. Semmm
      Lets try this out!
    17. yr.handono
      Thanks alot i will try it on my new laptop
    18. Merlin
    19. KenzoKenzo94
    20. nabagrov

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