Fix Grand Theft Auto V exited unexpectedly / Social Club error GTA5 / Game exited code -2147483645

Discussion in 'TechCat Blog' started by Original, Apr 14, 2015.

By Original on Apr 14, 2015 at 4:10 PM
  1. Original

    Original Moderator

    Jan 17, 2015
    #1 Original, Apr 14, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 21, 2015

    If you get this awesome screen with GTA5 too. Here is a fix.
    Probably one or more files from your game download is corrupted.

    To check it use WinMD5Free utility.

    WinMD5Free ultility

    Just drag and drop files one by one on it.
    Check if sum matches value from this list.
        x64a.rpf - 683610e269ba60c5fcc7a9f6d1a8bfd5
        x64b.rpf - 70af24cd4fe2c8ee58edb902f018a558
        x64c.rpf - 2a0f6f1c35ad567fe8e56b9c9cc4e4c6
        x64d.rpf - c8757b052ab5079c7749bcce02538b2e
        x64e.rpf - e5416c0b0000dad4014e0c5e9b878ff9
        x64f.rpf - 5c6fc965d56ae6d422cd6cbe5a65a3a5
        x64g.rpf - 1d8a64b337c3e07dffec0f53530cdb8e
        x64h.rpf - fe657d9282df303b080c3a2f6771c9ea
        x64i.rpf - bb271d313467465d62c75e208236487b
        x64j.rpf - 143deee4c7699b9f07ef21d43ae0915b
        x64k.rpf - da2c88b4ca69c99a86868a9433084a9d
        x64l.rpf - f4307b005a3e90192f235959621781d1
        x64m.rpf - a1304d84875747aa7405465d37d3c6fb
        x64n.rpf - c48a14fe1c301360a16e8b0c5472fd1d
        x64o.rpf - 6715a4eabbbc8868f15630bf917db49a
        x64p.rpf - 6ad56befada1db7cccd9cea7834c825b
        x64q.rpf - ff6d09527d7fdc005d3fa78435e09c8a
        x64r.rpf - 1465c9da5cc17b68f14915b6c1d815bc
        x64s.rpf - 2c6e61201eb4f60d5c3c1e9ae6d67a32
        x64t.rpf - 4c15a54a4c9573d7a0bcfa4689d9d1ed
        x64u.rpf - 2c9cff0cc5f99ad2218e4c4de39881b7
        x64v.rpf - db647120263d0282b6f6c555f6112a1c
        x64w.rpf - 46a4abe50bfc78c30c0173d888cf2c4a
    If it does not match, delete file.
    Repeat for all files, that do not match.
    Run Grand Theft Auto V exe again, Social club will start downloading missing files.

    You can check re-downloaded files just to make sure.

    Or your game should start automatically after download is finished! :)

    Bonus: you can find a complete error log at C:\Users\username\*********\Rockstar Games\GTA V\launcher.log
    If your files are corrupted it looks like.

    Game exited with code -2147483645
    [ ERROR ] Unable to stat out-file!
    [ ERROR ] ************************************************************************
    [ ERROR ] * Setting error condition
    [ ERROR ] * Extra:
    [ ERROR ] * Localised: Launcher error. Code: 7

    [2015-04-14 17:04:54.949] [DISPLAY] Using DPI 120
    [2015-04-14 17:04:54.975] [DISPLAY] File version 10000:1430001 (for d:\Grand Theft Auto V\GTA5.exe)
    [2015-04-14 17:04:55.009] [DISPLAY] File version 10001:50006 (for C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Social Club\socialclub.dll)
    [2015-04-14 17:04:55.020] [DISPLAY] File version 10000:1430001 (for D:\Grand Theft Auto V\GTAVLauncher.exe)
    [2015-04-14 17:04:55.022] [DISPLAY] Version:|1.0.323.1||1.0.323.1|FFP
    [2015-04-14 17:04:55.500] [DISPLAY] OS version: Major: 6, Minor: 2, Build: 9200, Platform: 2
    [2015-04-14 17:04:56.353] [DISPLAY] File version 10000:1430001 (for d:\Grand Theft Auto V\GTA5.exe)
    [2015-04-14 17:04:56.541] [DISPLAY] File version 10001:50006 (for C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Social Club\socialclub.dll)
    [2015-04-14 17:04:56.573] [DISPLAY] Social Club initializing...
    [2015-04-14 17:04:57.642] [DISPLAY] Attempting to create device...
    [2015-04-14 17:04:57.644] [DISPLAY] Attempting to initialise DX9 COM object...
    [2015-04-14 17:04:57.662] [DISPLAY] Window size: 862 x 620
    [2015-04-14 17:04:57.707] [DISPLAY] Successfully created DX Device!
    [2015-04-14 17:05:02.066] [DISPLAY] File version 10000:1430001 (for d:\Grand Theft Auto V\GTA5.exe)
    [2015-04-14 17:05:03.133] [DISPLAY] In-place download is up-to-date.
    [2015-04-14 17:05:03.171] [DISPLAY] Launching game...
    [2015-04-14 17:05:03.172] [DISPLAY] (path: d:\Grand Theft Auto V\GTA5.exe cmdline: "d:\Grand Theft Auto V\GTA5.exe")
    [2015-04-14 17:05:10.760] [DISPLAY] Game exited with code -2147483645
    [2015-04-14 17:05:10.761] [ ERROR ] Unable to stat out-file!
    [2015-04-14 17:05:10.761] [ ERROR ] ************************************************************************
    [2015-04-14 17:05:10.761] [ ERROR ] * Setting error condition
    [2015-04-14 17:05:10.763] [ ERROR ] * Category:  1 (ERROR_CATEGORY_LAUNCHER)
    [2015-04-14 17:05:10.763] [ ERROR ] * Code:      1 (LAUNCHER_ERR_INVALID_OUTFILE)
    [2015-04-14 17:05:10.763] [ ERROR ] * Extra:
    [2015-04-14 17:05:10.763] [ ERROR ] * Localised: Launcher error.  Code: 7
    [2015-04-14 17:05:10.763] [ ERROR ] ************************************************************************
    [2015-04-14 17:05:10.764] [ ERROR ] Unable to read out-file!
    [2015-04-14 17:05:10.764] [ ERROR ] ************************************************************************
    [2015-04-14 17:05:10.764] [ ERROR ] * Setting error condition
    [2015-04-14 17:05:10.766] [ ERROR ] * Category:  5 (ERROR_CATEGORY_EXIT_CODE)
    [2015-04-14 17:05:10.767] [ ERROR ] * Code:      5 (80000003)
    [2015-04-14 17:05:10.767] [ ERROR ] * Extra:
    [2015-04-14 17:05:10.767] [ ERROR ] * Localised: Grand Theft Auto V exited unexpectedly.
    Please click Retry below to enter the game again, or click Safe Mode to launch the game with reduced graphics settings.
    If you continue to have problems playing the game, please contact Rockstar Games Customer Service at
    [2015-04-14 17:05:10.767] [ ERROR ] ************************************************************************
    [2015-04-14 17:05:10.779] [ ERROR ] Unable to clear in-file and out-file!
    --- Double Post Merged, Apr 14, 2015, Original Post Date: Apr 14, 2015 ---

    --- Double Post Merged, Apr 14, 2015 ---
    For players who want to update their PC with the latest of the componebnts for GTA 5, Rockstar has provided the links below:

    Fix Crash on intro Windows 7

    Rockstar has given a guide on how to deal with the issue by installing the Windows Media Player and completing the game installation on its Support Page:

    1. Open the Control Panel
    2. Click "Programs"
    3. Click "Turn Windows Features On or Off"
    4. In the resulting popup, make sure "Windows Media Player" is checked under the "Media Features" folder:
    5. Click "OK" and wait for Windows Media Player to install


Discussion in 'TechCat Blog' started by Original, Apr 14, 2015.

    1. Bruno Hernandes
      Bruno Hernandes
      The MD5 list of the first page is still valid after the latest patch?
      The MD5 of the steam version and non steam version is the same?
      My friend just posted the MD5 list of his files (steam version) and it is very different from the one on this thread.

      I found a "funny" thing about these MD5 Checksum tools. Im getting differente results for the same file while doing multiple consecutive scans. I dont think these MD5 Checksum is reliable
      Last edited: Apr 23, 2015
    2. criptoshay
      Thanks, saved me here!
    3. Kagato
      gonna try some of these options now
    4. vismitananda
      Replying for the hidden file, this sucks. What are you doing Rockstar?
    5. geshan1611
      Anyone having this issue after a game update, it might be the GTA V.exe which corrupted during the update(or just @!#$ randomly)

      To fix :

      1) run the gta v crc checker posted by the awesome human in previous comments,
      2) if the checker stops working while checking gtav.exe this is your problem file
      3) delete gtav.exe
      4) run the launcher
      5) game will update and install the update and replace the gtav.exe

      should be sorted

      i struggled for 2 days thinking mine was one of the rpf files when it wasnt it was the gtav.exe

      hope this helps peeps with same issue as me

      PS - this is for the non-steam version but may be applicable to both
      --- Double Post Merged, Apr 23, 2015 ---
      Dude you're a legend. Mazing human many turns out for me it was the GTAV.exe which was the problem file but everybody said it was rpf files
    6. Ballern
    7. jj520079689
    8. Just1325
      Replying for file :)
    9. Jean Carlos Racoski
      Jean Carlos Racoski
      Please I want the B file, can someone send me?
    10. cescolone
    11. IRazor007
      Hey Bruno,

      the MD5 check is a standardized check and should always be the same.
      The programm I made is for the non-steam version only (since I dont have the steam version myself)
      The goal of my program is a complete check of all gamefiles so you can be sure your game is correctly downloaded (or not).
      Since I dont want to be responsible for deleting your game files I only show a list of correct, corrupt and missing files.
      The corrupt files you have to delete yourself and then start the GTA V launcher again to redownload.
      If the problem still remains after update recheck your files to make sure the download was succesfull.
      geshan1611 likes this.
    12. pudinne
      I tried everything so far: updated the drivers, validated steam files, i even reinstalled the game again. I play the game with steam, and I tried checking all those little files to see if they match with the code. x64b doesn't match, so i did as you said and I deleted it, then i validated steam files and It downloaded the same corrupt file. So i asked my friend whose game works, and he sent me the file. It still said the code didn't match, but i tried it. The game worked for about 5 minutes and then it crashed again.

      So now i'm getting more frustrated.

      here's exactly how it happens: I open the game on steam (both online and singleplayer) and it opens, shows the intro, then when it's on that loading screen it freezes. I do control+alt+delete and there's a message saying it stopped working.
      MyriamBC likes this.
    13. Otakushi
    14. R1.
    15. Kartoflrofl
    16. Nikos
      my friend keeps having problem with the B file, is there any way to fix it? he keeps deleting it and redownloading via steam.. but its still corupted

      this is my friends error log

      [2015-04-25 21:55:52.530] [DISPLAY] Using DPI 96
      [2015-04-25 21:55:52.805] [DISPLAY] File version 10000:14f0002 (for E:\Giannhs games\steamapps\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\GTA5.exe)
      [2015-04-25 21:55:52.837] [DISPLAY] File version 10001:50008 (for C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Social Club\socialclub.dll)
      [2015-04-25 21:55:52.849] [DISPLAY] File version 10000:14f0002 (for E:\Giannhs games\steamapps\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\GTAVLauncher.exe)
      [2015-04-25 21:55:52.850] [DISPLAY] Version: |1.0.335.2||1.0.335.2|FSP
      [2015-04-25 21:55:53.310] [DISPLAY] OS version: Major: 6, Minor: 1, Build: 7601, Platform: 2
      [2015-04-25 21:55:53.431] [DISPLAY] Social Club initializing...
      [2015-04-25 21:55:53.749] [DISPLAY] Attempting to create device...
      [2015-04-25 21:55:53.749] [DISPLAY] Attempting to initialise DX9 COM object...
      [2015-04-25 21:55:53.755] [DISPLAY] Window size: 690 x 496
      [2015-04-25 21:55:53.774] [DISPLAY] Successfully created DX Device!
      [2015-04-25 21:56:05.572] [DISPLAY] Launching game...
      [2015-04-25 21:56:05.572] [DISPLAY] (path: E:\Giannhs games\steamapps\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\GTA5.exe cmdline: "E:\Giannhs games\steamapps\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\GTA5.exe" -StraightIntoFreemode)
      [2015-04-25 21:56:13.380] [DISPLAY] Game exited with code -2147483645
      [2015-04-25 21:56:13.381] [ ERROR ] Unable to stat out-file!
      [2015-04-25 21:56:13.382] [ ERROR ] ************************************************************************
      [2015-04-25 21:56:13.382] [ ERROR ] * Setting error condition
      [2015-04-25 21:56:13.382] [ ERROR ] * Category: 1 (ERROR_CATEGORY_LAUNCHER)
      [2015-04-25 21:56:13.383] [ ERROR ] * Code: 1 (LAUNCHER_ERR_INVALID_OUTFILE)
      [2015-04-25 21:56:13.383] [ ERROR ] * Extra:
      [2015-04-25 21:56:13.383] [ ERROR ] * Localised: Launcher error. Code: 7
      [2015-04-25 21:56:13.383] [ ERROR ] ************************************************************************
      [2015-04-25 21:56:13.384] [ ERROR ] Unable to read out-file!
      [2015-04-25 21:56:13.385] [ ERROR ] ************************************************************************
      [2015-04-25 21:56:13.385] [ ERROR ] * Setting error condition
      [2015-04-25 21:56:13.386] [ ERROR ] * Category: 5 (ERROR_CATEGORY_EXIT_CODE)
      [2015-04-25 21:56:13.387] [ ERROR ] * Code: 5 (80000003)
      [2015-04-25 21:56:13.387] [ ERROR ] * Extra:
      [2015-04-25 21:56:13.387] [ ERROR ] * Localised: Grand Theft Auto V exited unexpectedly.

      Please click Retry below to enter the game again, or click Safe Mode to launch the game with reduced graphics settings.

      If you continue to have problems playing the game, please contact Rockstar Games Customer Service at
      [2015-04-25 21:56:13.387] [ ERROR ] ************************************************************************
      [2015-04-25 21:56:13.400] [ ERROR ] Unable to clear in-file and out-file!
      [2015-04-25 21:56:16.517] [DISPLAY] Uninitializing.
      Last edited: Apr 25, 2015
    17. SS4mono
      Has anyone actually resolved this issue yet?
    18. YOYO
      i will try it
    19. ElGrimm
      Hi Guys, I just solved this issue with my setup and thought I'd share my solution;

      So I initially had the same problem as most of you: My Launcher started with no problems, but as soon as intro started, my game crashed (not responding) and my log showed the the Exception code c0000005. I found out that this often seems to be a driver issue, but not necessarily with the graphics card. So I tried pretty much everything I read here, but eventually saw that all my game files were correct and my graphics cards (Gigabyte 970s SLI) surely weren't the issue.

      But then I disabled my (external) sound card via the Windows device manager. My Game launched and I could play without any issues. The funny thing is that my Sound card is one of the best ones out there, a RME Fireface 802 which I also use for recording and mixing audio. I now play with headphones, but at least my game works.

      I hope this helps anyone, as I preordered the retail version and wasn't able to play the game until now. Try disabling all of your sound cards to find out where the problem occurs.

      Much love and good luck
    20. rohit
      did anyone here get the game to work after the x64b.rpf file was replaced for social club version or when redownloaded? it doesnt work for me when redownloaded(im using steam version), also can anyone help me find a social club version.cant yet see the torrent everyone keeps posting.
      dani likes this.

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