Windows 10 Phone Preview Install GUIDE for Lumia 920, 930 and others

Discussion in 'TechCat Blog' started by Justin, Feb 15, 2015.

By Justin on Feb 15, 2015 at 4:49 PM
  1. Justin

    Justin Administrator
    Staff Member

    Dec 6, 2014
    #1 Justin, Feb 15, 2015
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2015
    Windows 10 Technical Preview for phones video guide

    Windows 10 for any Lumia phone step by step guide

    1. Download the Windows Insider app.
    Press ... > about > make sure Sys free space is 300MB or more.
    If there isn't enough space, make full reset with Windows Phone Recovery Tool.
    2. Go to
    Download and install certificate.
    3. Edit WiFi connection, enable Proxy
    4. Open Insider app, click get builds
    5. You will get Enroll page, do not Enroll yet!
    6. Switch to WIFI settings, turn off proxy.
    7. Switch to Windows Insider app and now you can enroll for Windows 10 Technical Preview.
    Choose Fast option.
    8. Check Settings > Phone update.
    If it can't find updates, you may need to reboot your phone and enroll again (without a proxy now).

    You should not try this guide on any other brand phone than Nokia Lumia.
    It won't work on HTC, Samsung and may even brake your phone!
    Lumia 5xx does not meet minimum specs for Windows 10 Update.

    Windows 10 Technical Preview for phones (9941.12498) on Nokia Lumia 920.


    How to revert back to Windows 8.1?

    Use official Microsoft Windows Phone Recovery Tool.
    It will reflash your phone with fresh Windows 8.1.

    You can backup all SMS, settings to Onedrive too.
    Settings > backup > check things to backup.

    Confirmed working models:
    Lumia 1520
    Lumia 1320
    Lumia 1020
    Lumia 930
    Lumia 925
    Lumia 920
    Lumia 920 at&t
    Lumia 820
    Lumia 638
    Lumia 620
    Lumia 520

    Did not work:
    Lumia 530
    Lumia 535
    Samsung ativ s
    HTC 8X

    Update 2015-02-22

    Update 2015-03-28
    Microsoft announced expanded supported device list!

    Update 2015-04-10
    Official Windows 10 update is out! No workarounds required for:
    • Lumia 1020
    • Lumia 1320
    • Lumia 1520
    • Lumia 520
    • Lumia 525
    • Lumia 526
    • Lumia 530
    • Lumia 530 Dual Sim
    • Lumia 535
    • Lumia 620
    • Lumia 625
    • Lumia 630
    • Lumia 630 Dual Sim
    • Lumia 635
    • Lumia 636
    • Lumia 638
    • Lumia 720
    • Lumia 730
    • Lumia 730 Dual SIM
    • Lumia 735
    • Lumia 810
    • Lumia 820
    • Lumia 822
    • Lumia 830
    • Lumia 920
    • Lumia 925
    • Lumia 928
    • Microsoft Lumia 430
    • Microsoft Lumia 435
    • Microsoft Lumia 435 Dual SIM
    • Microsoft Lumia 435 Dual SIM DTV
    • Microsoft Lumia 532
    • Microsoft Lumia 532 Dual SIM
    • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual SIM
    • Microsoft Lumia 535 Dual SIM
    Just download Insider app from Windows Store and enroll.


Discussion in 'TechCat Blog' started by Justin, Feb 15, 2015.

    1. Govinda
      after recovery wil it work?????
      --- Double Post Merged, Feb 20, 2015 ---
      can u mail me the download link of the insider .and please give some photos on how u updated it
    2. troylee
      Yeah I can email u.... It always said unauthorized
      please login again or use different user name
      Last edited: Feb 20, 2015
    3. Justin
      According to the news, this guide won't work anymore with new Insider App
    4. troylee
      So I must miss good chance to install it via ur easy method, any way thanks
    5. Govinda
      My email:
      [email protected]
      --- Double Post Merged, Feb 21, 2015, Original Post Date: Feb 21, 2015 ---
      I falshed my windows phone but insiders is now not showing update
    6. Aleksa Ristic
      Aleksa Ristic
      I have few Questions:
      1.How can i free my sys space before recovary i had 156MB after i have 256MB stil not 300MB or above.What can i do?
      2.When i do all things download a certificate and install turn on the proxy whit your link and open Windows Insider and press preview builds every time say:Unauthorized please log in with another user account: i have two different microsoft account and i tried with both but same thing....What can i do about that problem?
      Please help i am huge windows and nokia fan i really want windows 10 i think it is great. BTW i also have Nokia Lumia 920 and install Update 8.1 Lumia cyan...Maybe you know how can i Install Lumia Denim update?
      Please answer as soon as possible..
      This web page is great....
      Thank you very much!!!
    7. Justin
      What is your phone model?
      And if you have read the update. This hack no longer work after Insider app update.
    8. bapi
      it will possible on lumia 625?? please help
    9. Nagendra
      so, what should i do then???/ ansr asap,,plss
    10. Justin
      Nothing, just wait a little longer. Microsoft will release an official preview for other Lumia models soon.

      Especially then this build was very buggy and didn't worked well on my Lumia 920. I reverted to WP8.1 the next day. I'm waiting for a new build now too. :)
      Nagendra likes this.
    11. ggihan
      Enroll option is not showing on my lumia 525....
      --- Double Post Merged, Mar 4, 2015 ---
      Does it need wifi using laptop or pc?
      I connected wifi via another mobile...
    12. muni
      Please help me to install 10 on my Lumia 625
    13. Nagendra
      thanks,,,well please keep me updated....
    14. Minh
      Why i cant download the file. It keeps say this "We're having trouble displaying this page.". Is there any problem
    15. sriram
      I cant get d certificate... The is not opening... Pls help me
    16. swissbuechi
      I cant Download too
    17. Saqlain Tandel
      Saqlain Tandel
      what abt nokia lumia 720 ?????
      --- Double Post Merged, Mar 17, 2015 ---
      cant open the code plz help ...
    18. Trainfield
    19. Original
      Good news from Microsoft, they will be expanding officialy supported device list in new Windows 10 build!
    20. Dunkel
      We can't download the certificate, can You reupload the certificate... :/
    : windows 10

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