My video about running Windows 8 on Android device received quite an attention. Though many users were confused about the concept, so here is a written guide with more detailed explanation and pictures. For start, it's not possible (and wouldn't be clever) to run Windows 8 on an Android device itself, because of slow speed and mobile hardware limitations. So we are actually talking about streaming Windows 8 to a mobile device or using so called remote desktop. That allows to use Windows 8 as if it was running on a device, but with a proper Windows PC speed and experience. For this guide I'll be using: Archos 97 Titanium HD Android 4.1 tablet Asus N550 Notebook with Windows 8.1 Remote Desktop Client v4.1.6 app Of course, this should work well with any dual core and HD screen Android tablet or better. Same goes for PC and Windows version. As there are a lot of Remote Desktop apps for Android, though I like particular for multitouch and gestures support. Enable remote connection on your Windows PC. Right click start > system > Remote settings > tick both boxes on Allow remote connections. Write down your PC address. Start > cmd > ipconfig > IPv4 Address Launch Remote Desktop Client app. Skip simple connect and select RDP mode. Enter IP of your Windows PC from step 3. Enter your Windows username, password and select resolution to fit your device. Connect! This guide covers the easiest way to connect through your local network, just to test the concept itself. Though it's possible to use internet connection too. Just type your external IP address and add port fowarding rules in your router. And here is my original video demonstrating Windows 8 capabilities and all cool extra features using Samsung Galaxy Tab tablet.